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Grace (Love Song 25)

Junie's in a chair at the end of the dock
Reading a book in french with her feet up
She's leaving home next week with a box of words that streak the country sky

Junie's in a race with an impossible world
It all could end tomorrow
It could last a hundred years
And everywhere she goes she hears whispers
But she knows to mind her fear

Let her go
Grace is on the radio let her go
Let her go
There's a clearing down below
Grace is on the radio let her go

Junie's in a car
There's a mountain on the left
The snow is falling hard now
There's a skater on the river
Excusez-moi, she says
But that skater's very close to the edge
And that river it's not just for going
It's for giving

So let it go
Grace is on the radio let it go
Let it go
There's a knocking at the door
Grace is on the radio let it go

Let her go
Grace is on the radio let her go
Let her go
Sometimes it's time to let things go
Grace is on the radio
Let her go
Let her go

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